Thursday, January 14, 2010

charity: water

"Right now, almost a billion people on the planet don't have access to safe, clean drinking water. That's one in eight of us. charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. We give 100% of the money raised to direct project costs, funding sustainable clean water solutions in areas of greatest need. Just $20 can give one person in a developing nation clean water for 20 years." This statement from charity: water's why water? page pretty much says it all. So now you know what they're doing; what are you doing? As with most charities, you can volunteer to help with this one, too. But the website actually helps you volunteer! By filling out this volunteer form, the good people at charity: water will then let you know how you are best fit to help the cause! You can even get your school involved in the fight for clean water! You can start your own page to raise money at mycharity:water, too (OR VISIT ...POSSIBLE WITH GOD's CHARITY PAGE AND HELP US REACH OUR GOAL OF $500!). Finally, you can purchase gifts, with all the proceeds going directly to help people in underdeveloped countries get the water they need.
See more videos about charity: water at their YouTube Channel.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


You might have noticed an extra label for each of the past three posts saying "CauseWorld" and wondered just what CauseWorld is. CauseWorld is an app for your iPhone/iPod touch that allows you to earn "karmas" you can donate too the charity of your choice simply be walking into a store. You don't even have to buy anything! With these karmas, you can do things like preventing child abuse, providing a meal, or even supply a person in Sudan with water for an entire month! It's simple, it's easy, and it's a way that you can help with just jumping to that app once in a while!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prevent Child Abuse America

According to PCAA's (Prevent Child Abuse America) About Us page, "Since 1972, Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) has led the way in building awareness, providing education and inspiring hope to everyone involved in the effort to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation's children." And their goal is to, of course, prevent child abuse and neglect.
You should know what's coming next--What can you do?
Visit this page for some tips on how to help prevent (or stop) child abuse and neglect. And, as always, monetary donations are always appreciated. Finally, you can volunteer at a local chapter.
(The video may be pretty localized, but I think it's better than the national videos)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Feeding America

Feeding America is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity helping more than 25 million Americans each year. There goal is to keep American informed of issues surrounding hungry Americans and to feed those people. "Did you know one in every eight Americans is food insecure? Much more needs to be done to eliminate hunger—and you can help! We are looking to create a movement to end hunger here in America, and we are looking for dedicated advocates like you to join us (Quote found here)."

So what can you do? Donate financially to get the food to the hungry. Or to take it even further, search for your local food bank here. Most of the time, volunteering is much more needed than the money, although both are important.
Watch more of Feeding America's YouTube videos on their Channel.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

CHF International

I know its been awhile since I've been on here...but hey--I don't have any readers anyway, so who cares? But since the last post I've done two things:
  1. Start a Twitter acount for this page (which can be found here).
  2. Change the name to ...Possible With God, which is my shortened version of Mark 10:27-- "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Which I think is a very powerful verse. And I must not be the only one who thinks this, because it appears more than once in the Bible (Luke 18:27, and Matthew 19:26).

CHF's (
Cooperative Housing Foundation) Mission Statement-- "CHF International's mission is to be a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low- and moderate-income communities around the world, helping them to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions." With this mission in mind, CHF has helped with economic development, emergency response, global health, housing, and urban development in countries all over the world. It's almost hard to pick things to tell you about...well, here: let them tell you.

It's good information, even if it is seven minutes long. And if you want to watch more, there is a CHF YouTube Channel. And remember, monetary donations are always needed!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Salvation Army

The mission statement: "The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination."

The Salvation Army has many programs to help people and they do not discriminate. Some of their programs include Youth Camps, Disaster Relief, Adult Rehabilitation, Christmas Charity, and Elderly Services among others. They also offer many ways to help out.

One way to help is my a simple donation. This donation could be a cash amount, but you can also donate United Airlines Frequent Flyer Miles. You can also donate clothing, appliances, household objects, and even cars among other things (and remember cash donations and these items are all tax-deductable!). Finally, you can donate your time. Probably the most well known of these volunteering opprotunities would be ringing the bells for donations. But you can also get a group of people together (say, maybe your church, co-workers, family, or just a group of friends who want to help out) and serve a meal at your local Salvation Army. I've done this multiple times, and it doesn't take as many people to do it, but the more the marrier! In fact, we served Thanksgiving lunch with only twelve people. It's really not hard to do good. And remember: I feel it is a misconception about the Salvation Army during the holidays. It runs all year, and they can always use volunteers!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Shop Against Hunger

Shop Against Hunger is a sight with links to a TON of different online retailers. By shopping on Shop Against Hunger, you can fill "red cups," a different number being filled depending on the retailer and how much you spend. "The red cup symbolizes WFP’s efforts to provide school meals to children around the world who often don’t get food anywhere else. If you keep in mind that one cup represents a nutritious meal of beans or porridge for a child, you will quickly see what a difference you are making through the Shop Against Hunger!"
According to their FAQ's,
"The Shop Against Hunger is a one-stop site with all your favorite online stores and lots of amazing deals. It’s a quick and easy way to do all of your holiday shopping and make a difference in the fight against hunger at the same time!" and "With every purchase you make through the Shop Against Hunger, a donation will be made to the World Food Programme, at no extra cost to you!"
"The World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. WFP is on the ground in 74 countries feeding men, women, and children through emergency food relief, school meals programs, mother-child nutrition centers, and many other programs. Every donation, every cent is critical because the WFP relies solely on voluntary contributions."
Shop against Hunger